Nothing goes down slower than a golf handicap. Bobby Nichols
Saya pasti ramai yang sedang berlatih untuk menghadapi Setiakawan Grand Slam 2009 (SACHA dan SEGOY) yang akan diadakan pada 3 Feb 2010. Kemuncak aktibiti kumpulan golf kita. Saya juga pasti members akur akan penetapan kita bahawa handicap kita diubahsuai (review) pada tiap tiap bulan pada penghujung bulan itu. Jadi pada penghujung bulan Januari 2010 handicap kita telah pun diubahsuai. Senarai kumpulan kita berjumlah 176 members. Senarai ni pula mengandungi hanya 70 nama dan dipamirkan dibawah ini dan senarai ini dikenali sebagai 'February Handicap'. Ini bermakna hanya 70 members saja telah bermain sekurang kurangnya sekali pada 10 permainan yang lepas.
To some golfers, the greatest handicap is the ability to add correctly.
Saya harap ramai lagi akan menyertai pada masa masa akan datang. Penyertaan adalah penting untuk memastikan syarat pertandingan pertandingan Grand Slam dipenuhi. Kelayakan bagi Piala Setiakawan Golfer of the Year ialah members mesti menyertai pertandingan mingguan kita, yang kita merujuk sebagai ‘Setiakawan Weekly Outings’ tidak kurang dari 25 kali pada sesuatu tahun itu. Bagi SetiakawanGolf Annual Championship pula mesti sudah menyertai tidak kurang dari 10 kali ‘Setiakawan Weekly Outings’ pada sesuatu tahun itu. Saya ingin menasihati supaya saudara sekelian merancang supaya dapat memenuhi ‘jumlah; penyertaan yang perlu ini supaya pada akhir tahun kita telah memenuhi kelayakan yang perlu itu. Saya tahu akan perasaan members yang tidak dapat menyertai disebabkan tidak mencukupi jumlah penyertaan mingguan kita.
Diharap semua members akan cuba sebaik mungkin untuk mendapat pencapaian yang baik dengan handicap yang baru ini. Dalam suasana ‘tegang’ yang dilalui semua members sementara menunggu SACHA dan SEGOY, relax sejenak dan hayatilah 4 rangkap pantun jenaka yang disedut dari website Dunia Penyair
Lebuhraya kota bersegi
Tempat temasya dara teruna
Hodohnya ketawa orang tak bergigi
Ibarat kota tiada kubunya
Api terang banyak kelkatu
Masuk ke kamar bersesak-sesak
Alangkah geli rasa hatiku
Melihat nenek bergincu berbedak
Ditiup angin bunga semalu
Kuncup daun bila berlaga
Bercakap Melayu kononnya malu
Belacan setongkol dibedal juga
Orang Rengat menanam betik
Betik disiram air berlinang
Hilang semangat penghulu itik
Melihat ayam lumba berenang
Setikawan dapat Handicap Baru
Hi Skawan Gang,
ReplyDeleteWe must thank John for keeping us abreast with SkawanGolf activities and informations. Thanks John.
My joy is to see the latest February 2010 skawan members' handicaps, especially when I notice those who have been smiling to receive ball-sweep cash during the last few weeks are now showing their true colours. Please accept the decision of the Handicapping Committee who always tells the "TRUTH" about golfers' handicaps and your scores tell your golfing standard and true handicaps... those scores do not tell lies!
Some members are consistantly playing 22 or 24 through out and they must be complimented for being truly consistant golfers. Others who have been very genuine with handicaps may receive one stroke difference from the "old" and "new" handicaps, for expample, from 15 to 14, or from 17 to 18. Keep up the gentlemenly
honesty about your handicap.
I must tell you a TRUE story. I am a member of RSGC who never fails to submit my score cards after my games. Every month RSGC religiously reviews all members' handicaps and the RSGC Handicapping Committee and my golf scores do not tell lies. They have genuinely assessed your truly as "15 handicap golfer" from Jan to December 2009 by USGA and MGA standards ( I have the official RSGC Handicap Card with me). When Skawan Handicapping Committee awarded me hc 15 for January 2010, I thank them, For Feb 2010 I am being assessed as hc 14 and I must thank them too. These guys are doing honest, true and good job at no charge to Skawan members and they too know that the golf scores do not tell lies!
From February handicap table as posted by John, I notice glaring differences between the "old" and "new" handicaps of some members ( let us avoid mentioning names because we all know ). Examples are, From old hc 22 to new 17, from 21 to 15, from 20 to 13, from 19 to 13 and 14, from 18 to 11, from 17 to 13, from 12 to 7, from 11 to 8 and so on. Wow! Tremendous achievement and reat improvement indeed. These are great golfers who have been receiving strokes from me, a super senior golfer, but come February they are now going to give me strokes instead, especially my former ADA in Washington, Dato' K, who was anytime comfortable to give me 4 strokes!
Golf is fair and the handicap tells your golf standard and your scores never tell lies!
Good luck to all, chase your handicaps during SACHA and SEGOY to Dol Ngajis's standard!
See you ALL at Staffield Country Resort on 03 FEB 2010, insya'Allah.