Friday, January 21, 2011


Permainan Mingguan kita kali ni ialah di Staffield Golf Resort. Antara sebab Staffield dipilih ialah buggy boleh masuk keatas fairway. Sebab yang lebih kukuh ialah Staffield ialah gelanggang yang dipilih untuk Setiakawan Annual Championship (SACHA) dan juga Setiakawan Golfer of the Year (SEGOY). Pertandingan pertandingan itu akan diadakan pada 26 Januari 2011.
Melihatkan senarai pada hari tu terdapat seramai 40 peserta. Wow. 10 flights. Saya kira semua members serious dengan kejuaraan itu,
tapi saya dapati ramai juga ahli ahli baru. Bagi pehak members yang lain saya mengucapkan Selamat Datang dan turut menyertai aktibiti kami.
Permainan pada hari tu ialah sebagai ShotGun Start.

Jadi dari senarai flight yang ada, terdapat 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B lah sehingga 5A dan 5B. Kita semua bermula diWestern 9 dan akan dituruti di Southern Nine. Yang mungkin kurang menyenangkan ialah takde caddy. Cuma ada 11 caddy. Semua nya dah dibooking oleh satu lagi kumpulan yang bermain pada hari tu. Pemain macam saya yang pukul kesana dan kesini memang mencungap lah.
Oleh sebab Kita mulakan sebagai ShotGun Start, kita habis permainan hamper sama masa. Selesai bermandi dan bersalin pakaian lain, kita ke Golfers’ Terrace untuk makan tengah hari.
Yang dihidangkan ialah nasi goring, mee goring dan air sirap satu jug pada satu meja.

Dipadang semasa berselisih dengan Flight No 5, kedengaran member baru kita, Dato Rabi menyuarakan ‘its an Army Conspiracy’. DiGolfers’ Terrace sempat juga saya bertanya apa maksud nya. Rupanya flight mereka bermaian secara ‘Sixes’. Bertukar partner tiap tiap 6 lubang. Rupa rupanya dalam partnership nya Dato Rabi kalah kesemua. Dalam flight nya yang 3 lagi ialah Army. Laa, baru 1st day dah mengeluh. Tak pe Dato, next week kita serah you kat Air Force lak. Air Force tu lebih ‘considerate’.
Selesai makan kita mulakan dengan Pembahgian Hadiah. RK mengambil alih.
Mula mula dia mengucapkan Selamat dating kepada beberapa member baru termasuk:
a. Dato Rabi, mantan Ketua Staf Markas ATM.

b. Kol Abdullah Khir.

c. Kol Shahidan.

d. Hj Sulaiman Rapek.

e. Saudara Md Dis Othman.

f. dan Saudara Shariff Abdullah.

Pemenang pada hari itu adalah saperti di pamirkan.

Nampak nya Dr Khalil Ramli, yang kedudukan Ranking nya di No 7 sekarang ni mula menunjukkan keupayaan nya dengan menjadi Champion pada hari tu. Dia mendapat Net 68. 4 under. Wow. Dan dia akan menyertai SEGOY minggu depan dikelab yang sama. Tahan itu masa Doc. Too bad kena potong 2 stroke lah. Kalau sabelum ni handicap 14 lepas ni 12 lak. Logigally – its still a 2 under. Kita kena tunggu tanggal 26 Jan.
Yang ke2, atau Deputy Champion ialah Saudara Md Dis Othman. 3 under. Kena potong satu stroke. Lepas ni kena main handicap 15 lak. Simpan itu masa Md Dis. And Welcome to the Club. Nampaknya ramai juga member baru memenangi hadiah saperti Kol Abdullah Khir sebagai First A Medal, Hj Sulaiman Rapek, A Medal ke6. Yang lain tu kena cuba minggu minggu mendatang untuk memenangi hadiah.

Selesai acara, AJK bersidang untuk membincang perkara perkara terkini. Yang menjadi tumpuan ialah SACHA dan SEGOY. Sabelum itu Dato Presidente telah mengumumkan tambahan keluarga nya dengan kelahiran cucu nombor 8. Pada hari tu dia belanja minum semasa mesyuarat kita. Tahniah Dato dan Datin Fatimah Huri dari kami semua.
Perkara perkara berkaitan SACHA dan SEGOY yang dibincang dan keputusan nya akan dimaklumkan dalam blog ni tak lama lagi.
Setiakawan – Siap Untuk Bertanding SACHA dan SEGOY. May the Best Man Wins.


  1. Hi Guys, At 14 handicap, I shot a gross of 106. It's fantastic as I have not touched that figure for a number of years now. The result of which I am now nursing a stiff neck. I must have been swinging wrongly. On second thoughts, I must have been in awe of TS Nik and Dato Rahman, both being great players. One of the things the committee decided was that a player who suffers an arbitary handicap cut due to fantastic play will carry that new handicap through the next monthly review, meaning his handicap will not be reviewed at the end of the month that he had his arbitery cut. For example I played 8 under during a game in December, so my handicap was cut to 12. The review was done at the end of December and my handicap was back at 14. With this new ruling, my handicap should not be reviewed until the end of January. So, my handicap for the month of January should remain 12. So I am immediately implementing this ruling for me and my handicap for the segoy and sacha will be 12. But please don't count me out yet, as I have been studying the golf swing the whole of thursday and I think I have found the secret to good golf. All I need is to test this new theory of mine. For a small fee I am willing to share this secret. Cheers.

  2. Hi Guys, I thought that I should explain another feature of the handicapping system that we have adopted for the last year oor so. It is always easier to explain by using an example. If I may, let me use Dr Khalil's performance last wednesday. He was a 14 handicap who came back with a score of 4 under meaning net 68. His handicap bracket entails a handicap cut of 0.3 for every stroke. Therefore his handicap should be reduced by 4 x 0.3 = 1.2 strokes. His current handicap is shown as 14, but his actual handicap is 13.6. So 13.6 minus 1.2 gives you 12.4. So 12.4 is rounded to the nearest round figure which is 12. This is an international practice which we adopted with the new system. I hope that I have not managed to confuse people further. Cheers. Happy golfing.

  3. Dato Amin,

    Well done sir. Salute you for the splendid job in taking care of our hcap. And another salute for bringing your own hcap down to 12. If you can repeat that 8 under performance, I am willing to bet on you winning the SEGOY championship.

    Dr Khalil please dont be discouraged. I know you can still win the tournament even with 2 stroke cut. The same thing happened to me last year when my hcap was cut by 2 on the eve of the tournament. Terponggeng

  4. Hi Guys, Thank you Dato Khalid for your kind remarks. Perhaps another example of my own experience will further clarify this handicap issue. I scored 8 under sometime in the middle of last month playing to a handicap of 14. My handicap bracket entails a cut of 0.3. So my handicap should be cut by 8 x 0.3 = 2.4 . My actual handicap was 14.4. Therefore, 14.4 minus 2.4 equals 12. So my new handicap is 12. Cheers.

  5. Dato Amin,

    Thank you again for the clarification on the hcap adjustment. I am very clear now on this issue. At the rate I am playing now I dont see any possibility of my hcap being further reduced. Last wednesney I scored 12 over my hcap. I know your score was worst. Realistically, I dont foresee returning a good score this coming wednesdey. My glory days are over. Hopefully I get a new hcap (higher) next month.

    One major OBSERVATION....where is MJHim? not seen his comments in this blogg for quite sometime now. Kesian sqd kita Kol John penat penat buat laporan tak ada sokongan pun dari sqd kita.

  6. Hi Kawan-kawan Skawan,

    My compliments to Panglima Handicap again for giving us a very clear explanation of our handicapping system and also the Committee's latest decision on when to implement the "handicap cut". I need not worry too much about my own handicap cut as my past two months' games provided nothing very pleasant to talk about but instead, I became easy victims of "handicap nursing" skawan members!
    I displayed tremendous improvement on the 1st nine, playing 5-over gross with NO double-bogey but, the 2nd nine ruined me with double-bogeys on the 10th, 11th and 12th holes, much psychoed by Dr. Khalil's superb performance when playing as my opponent.
    Inspite of all the miseries of returning with poor scores during past two month's games and yet maintained hc 14 for entire 2010, getting 4th placing A Medal for last week's game, though small, was something I have not been doing for a while which I thought, is a good start for 2011.
    Looking forward to better golf.

