Sunday, November 30, 2014


Seramai 115 orang tersenarai dalam Ranking kali ini. Semua nya bermain sekurang kurang nya sekali..
Tahniah  kepada Hj Rahim Kassim yang mendahului rankings dengan 922 points.
Dia dah meningkat dari Second Ranked bulan lepas. Second Ranked ialah Mej Rustam Ramli dengan 921 points.

Satu point je beza.
Third Ranked ialah Dato Amin Salleh dengan 902 points.
Bulan lepas dia Top.
Keseluruhan Rankings SetiakawanGolf sehingga November  2014 saperti dipamirkan:

Di Conggak Oleh:


1 comment:

  1. Thanks John, for posting the latest SEGOY standing as at 1 Dec 2014.
    I am glad 25 members have qualified after having participated 25 times or more for the year. We have 5 more weekly outings until end of the year and I am very sure at least 3 more members would qualify if they take advantage of December outings.
    I couldn't have done better considering I come in within the "top 10" inspite of my poor performance during some weekly outings. I hope to participate for December outings and go for "top 5" position before SEGOY/SACHA in January 2015.
